Tuesday, May 5, 2015

< 2 weeks to FLY !!!!

Assalammualaikum and a very good day guys,

Right now I am watching people carrying their luggage from the third floor to the ground floor with a big wide smile on their faces. I know why.  They are going back home !!!!

While me , sitting on the bench and playing with my fingertips typing and tapping on the keyboard of my SAMSUNG's laptop. Sounds sad isn't ?

Well, it doesn't actually. I think being me, far miles away from my family has taught me little by little of how to not takes everything for granted. Far doesn't means that you are so far from them  that you might be forgotten, but instead, you will be remembered always.

All these time, I have learnt to appreciate the moments of being with my family. Appreciate does not meant that you are blessed to have them next to you, but appreciate here meant, you are physically and spiritually with them.

Phone off, no disruption, only you and them.

Hear every single words that came out from their mouth, be there to hear their problems,
Be there to wipe the tears and give a big hug as a sign that you care,
Be there to laugh and have a good time with them,
And creates the moments together,

It doesn't always has to be a good time but bitter sweet makes everything much wonderful.

People might say that I'm all alone here, but I know that I'm not. I always have my family in my mind and the most important is, I always have HIM, The Creator to always guide me and be with me at all time.

So, if you, the lucky one, to be the same as me. Do not worry,  you are not alone.
You are happier than them because you know how does it feels.

Strong always.

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