Friday, August 9, 2013

Ladies!!! Why do we need to wear makeup?

 Assalammualaikum and a very good day to all of my readers out there !!!

                I know this post is focus more on the Ladies,, but for my men readers, I think u guys should probably read this post too.. Just because now days, makeup is not just for women but for men as well... Shocked ??? Don't be... u guys can see them on TV,,especially if u used to watch Korean drama.. 
                                                         So, let's start with the first question: -
                 Why do u guys think most of the ladies wear makeup ? 
Of course, the common answer that I always get is 'Just because they want to look beautiful and flawless in the public' . And once again I would like to asked,,why? 
                 Why they want to looks beautiful in front of people? Why they do that? And again u guys would answer ' Because they want to cover their imperfection' 
                 And Why do they want to cover their  imperfection? And the answer would be,, to looks Perrrfeeect !!

                    Easy answer but for me,, that's can we cover our imperfection with makeup? And how do we ever become a perfect person by just put a layer of makeup on ? Never ! Never ! and will Never ! Don't get me wrong.. to be a better person is nothing wrong with that, but as a human being, we all do mistakes.. sometimes, we just wanted to be better and better , and never look back to correct our  previous mistakes. Mistakes do teach us to be more careful and to be a better  person in the future.  

                         No doubt,,,I do wear makeup,, the same reason as the answer.. why? Just because to look more better than normal..To stand out more and more attractive as a human being in the public.
I don't mean to be attractive in a creepy way, but just think about Superheroes that we have seen in the media, they all got powers and strength, but how can we know that they are "Superheroes" without their costumes on? For me, without having their costumes on, they looks no different from us. Costumes are their Weapons !!!
                           So, ladies and gentlemen, having makeup on, wear a beautiful dress and wear something different from the others does make us look different and unique . So for the ladies out there, 'Makeup is our Weapons !!' 
                             We wanted to looks different because people treats us differently, so with makeup I believed it can change somehow we think about our self. 
                               For my opinion, when I wear makeup, I feel more confidence to interact with people in public, so when I have that confidence, it's automatically change the way myself to interact towards the others. And people would automatically have a better perspective towards us. 
                                It's pretty amazing, when something simple like makeup can actually change a lot in our social life and thinking skills. 
                                 So, I guess this is the end of today's post,, just to reminds u guys,, 'Ladies, Don't be Scared to be different, because to be different is way more fun.' But don't get me Wrong again, don't be a different in a creepy way,, always remember ' Less is More' ..

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