Monday, July 7, 2014

Fasting and Diet?

Salam Ramadhan...


                           It is Ramadhan ,, as u guys know.. kalau x tahu tahu lagi tu, I x tahu nak ckp aper.. Anyway, refer to the title maybe most of u gurl out there tersipu-sipu malu sebab dierlah orgnyer, kan.kan? But that's okay because it's gurl thing.
                          Mesti antara u gurls dah plan nak berdiet-diet nie sebelum Ramadhan lagi kan. So korang punyer lah melahab sebelum Ramadhan sebab nak diet mati matian masa Ramadhan.. Well,,, same here,, well,, not really.
                           It's not wrong because we want a healthy life style and keeps our body fit, so it's easier for us nak beribadah. We can change our intention that way.

                           But a lot of people takes this in the other way. They really make Ramadhan as a goal for them to lose weight instead of increase their good deeds. I meant everything terletak on our intention. If u think losing weight is your goal , u should go back to the basic of the purpose of Ramadhan.. Really, because u don't wanna waste this month just like that.
                           No worries, because we r human. We do mistake but there's always time for us to change it. So for the rest of this Ramadhan,try to do as much as good deeds/activities that will not only bring benefits to u but also for the others. I'll try to discuss about that later in my next post. InsyaAllah.

            Tips to lose weight but still have energy throughout the day:

               1) Of course avoid fats.
               2) Do not eat after tarawih, because u don't need that much energy at night.
               3) Less carbohydrate
               4) More protein
               5) Drink lots of water
               6) Avoid sweet or sugar, instead try honey or dates as glucose for your body.

So lets us together try as hard as we can to make this Ramadhan more meaningful that the previous years. I'm also still learning more about Islam, so lets take this journey together for our final destination to Jannah, shall we meet there.. Ameen.


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