Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Ramadhan 2014

Assalammualaikum dan Salam Ramadhan..

It's already the 2nd of July..tiptuptiptup.. dahhh July.. and It's Ramadhan.. Alhamdulillah, we still here to celebrate this Holy Month of Quran and we r actually should be grateful with it. As u guys know this month is super duper special, bukannya pahala berdouble-double ..tapi syaitan pown x der wo.. So sepatutnya x der lah excuses x nak puasa lah, x solat lah and whatever lah...Kalau ader lagi,, tu bukannya syaitan... tu dah diri sendiri yang x boleh kawal.. Nafsu namanya.

Anyway, I'm just an ordinary gurl and I'm not from an Islamic school that means I don't even have any qualification to give any advice or lecture to u guys. Takut salah  nanti habis meletup masuk surat khabar.. so I just wanna give a motivational words to u guys as well as to myself. Sebab diri ini juga kekurangan dan lemah untuk menempuhi silok belok perjalanan ini.. So let's walk together to the end,, shall we? Kalau sudi lah.

Okay, lets say during this Ramadhan u wanna change to be someone better or try to read Quran every day and pray 5 times a day. That' totally AWESOME!!! It's a good to have that kind da intention but sometimes to do something good and to become nearer to Allah is hard.. Honestly.. because that's human being. But we need to handle it. Never makes that negative things get you.. Be strong and keep going. One more thing ,, Stop PROSCRASTINATING !!! If you terasa, don't worry, I always do that, so anda tidak keseorangan. Well.. we are human and we are not perfect and that's the fact. But itu bukannya alasan. Keeps saying nantilah, tomorrow lah.. 'LAH''LAH'LAH'.. that's an evil word. But don't get me wrong, bukan semuanya 'LAH' tu x baik, but put off doing something will just makes you regret in the future. So change.

Remember u will not change in one night. That's impossible. Start slowly and keeps practicing it.. InsyaAllah,, it will be in your routine,,,

I wish u all da BEST..


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